Commando Training Day One

Desi Manifestor
3 min readDec 3, 2020


Hello there!

From today onwards, for the next 90 days — I will be writing to you about my experience with Coach Bhupendra Singh Raathore’s 90 day coaching program — Commando Training. We all have to wake up and log in before 5.00 am after which we have a training which strengthens us and disciplines us with every passing day!

Here are the key learnings from the first session! :


My greeting for today and for every single day is to be :

‘Commando Neeva is ready to make a difference!’

Materials Required

A diary, three colored pens — red, green and blue/black color to make notes.

Challenge Rules

Always choose a stretch challenge — one which empowers you to push yourself and which seems difficult to achieve at first but is not impossible.

Challenge ONE

This challenge was given to us in today’s session: walk for 3km-10km on a daily basis for the next 30 days.

How to restore your energy

Shake your body and say YES!

Lotus Gratitude

Hold your hands in the Lotus Mudra and name ten things you are grateful for.

No Mercy Attitude

Don’t have mercy on yourself. Keep doing the work. Your habits, company and your guru will help you along the way!


At 5:55 am, visualize your goals and imagine them coming true. Feel the feelings and think of what will happen when you achieve the goal.


Words written or said in the present tense affirming the things you have and want to be as if you already have it.

This program is the Implementation of the Magic of Thinking Rich Program which was a Free YouTube Video Session which took place for 27 days during the month of November 2020. The next session would be in January 2021. You can connect with Coach BSR on his YouTube channel to watch the sessions for one month entirely free of cost however with no recordings available. The session would be Live ONLY. Click Here to subscribe to his YouTube Channel.


“When you support the world selflessly, the universe will support you endlessly.”


Unless the person themselves does not initiate the conversation, do not approach them.

No Expectations

Come to the program with no expectations — just enjoy the experience. Today is a beautiful day — affirm it!

Give your blessings to all

First join your hands in Namaskar position. The make the ‘infinite’ symbol using both your hands joined together. And then spread an abundance of love, energy and respect for all beings present here.


Always remember sharing is caring. A few commandos from the past sessions shared about their experiences and a few new commandos too joined in to share about today’s experience. It helps to build trust and strengthen the family bond within the group of participants.

I hope you enjoyed reading the first day’s learnings and lessons! Looking forward to meeting you tomorrow!

Keep Manifesting!

Desi Manifestor.



Desi Manifestor

Desi Manifestor is a writer who is of Indian Origin and loves to bring things that she thought of into reality.