Desi Manifestor
3 min readMar 2, 2023

Glow Up Challenge 2023

Hey guys! I’m bored, again. So this time I decided that I’d redo the Glow Up Challenge I did back in 2021 after I broke up and changed my entire self — physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Obviously the motivation now is that I’m turning 24 in a month and I want to look and feel hotter than I already am!

From the last time I took the Challenge.

Here’s the step by step routine I followed religiously and the cue was that whenever I thought of my ex, I’d do another thing from the list. However now I just wanna focus on my future self looking dapper, so let’s dive into it.


This is an acronym that stands for Silence, Affirmations, Visualisation, Exercise, Reading and Scribing. I got it from a personal development book and it totally changed my life. It includes Ten Minutes of Silence, Ten Minutes of Affirmations, Visualising your day and future lifestyle, Exercising for an hour, Reading a book or anything that teaches you something new and Journaling your thoughts first thing in the morning. I obviously tweaked it to my liking and I spent half an hour in Silence, curated an Affirmations playlist on YouTube and heard it over and over, had a visualisation playlist for my goals and dreams to come true and danced for an hour and did yoga for half an hour and ran for another half an hour. For Reading I read articles from Medium and Newspapers and read a holy book like the Bible or the Gita, for Scribing I journaled 10 pages everyday and my writing got so much better!

2. Gratitude

I pray before every meal. Yes you read that right, EVERY MEAL. I also give thanks for 10 things in my life in my gratitude journal and that’s what helps me stay on a high vibrational frequency every single day. Things you could be grateful for could be the Internet, your phone, your family, your business, your body, your job or even your friends!

3. To Manifest List

I’m not a do-er. I’m a hard core manifestor and everything I have in my life today is manifested. For real. So I curate a to manifest list every single day and tick stuff off the list as and when it gets done. That’s how my faith in the Universe and it’s working got stronger and now it’s all just second nature you know?

4. Breathwork and Meditation

I’ve tried a bunch of meditations but the stuff that works best for me is breathwork and chord cutting meditation. I meet alot of people on a daily basis and pick up on their energy so I need to cut chords with people more frequently than you can imagine to let them go energetically you know? Plus breathwork is a breathing technique that helps you release any stuck emotions and get clarity on your thought process for sure!

5. Bonus : Following the Moon Cycles

Alright folks. If you’re not as spiritual as I am you’ll think I’ve gone crazy. But trust me when I say that my body cycle is so aligned with the moon cycle that it helps me become more intuitive, in alignment with my goals and desires and pushes me to make informed decisions where my body, mind and spirit are all in tandem! I’d definitely recommend keeping a track of the Full Moon and the New Moon and meditation on those days to reach higher states of consciousness!

Here are the results of the Glow Up Challenge :

  1. My confidence shot up
  2. My friend’s circle changed for the better
  3. I made more money in my business
  4. Guys asked me out left right center
  5. My acne completely disappeared
  6. My relationship with my family got better
  7. I just had to think of something or someone and they would text or call me or I would be a magnet to miracles.
  8. My body cycle aligned with the moon cycle and that helped me while I was traveling.
  9. I was never alone even when I felt lonely
  10. The Universe became my sugar daddy and my vision board came true!

Let’s glow up together, shall we? Love and light and keep manifesting!


Desi Manifestor.

Desi Manifestor

Desi Manifestor is a writer who is of Indian Origin and loves to bring things that she thought of into reality.